Slow and Steady - Inactive

I am tracking the development of Slow and Steady, the Eastern Long Neck (Chelodina longicollis) Australian Freshwater turtles. This blog started when they were just 5 months old.

Location: Sydney, Australia

"Everybody gets so much information all day long that they lose their common sense." Gertrude Stein

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Fish Hunting

I found Slow and Steady fish hunting last night. I woke the turtles up while the fish were still asleep and Slow and Steady took advantage of this slowly (and I mean slowly) creeping up on the sleeping fish and then darting at them to try and catch them. Unfortunately as cute as my turtles are they're still very slow and the fish still get away.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Turtle Bum

Turtle Bum
Originally uploaded by GuOddian.
This great shot is of Steady's bum. My girlfriend Georgie took the photo.

The turtles are doing great, they really love the earth worms, but they only get them once a week at most. They're still getting the vitamins once a week inside their fish. Steady's shell is almost completely black again, Slow's shell is gradually getting better I think and harder as well.

We have a whole bunch of fish in there with them now. I bought a rainbow shark and a flying fox for my other tank as I had read they were placid fish. But they turned out to be agressive buggers so they live with my turtles now. They fight each other all the time too, but they're too fast for the turtles. There are also 20 feeder fish in there (Tiger Barbs and Rosy Barbs) but they're too fast for the turtles at this stage. They'll help filter the water and keep it clean though so I don't mind if the turtles don't eat them yet.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

New Food

I was at the aquarium the other day and found a box of earthworms. After checking up on the nutritional content of these worms I fed them to Slow and Steady. They absolutely loved them and it was amusing to watch them eat these wriggling little worms. I'm going to feed them a few every now and then to give them a bit of variety. I'm also still on the lookout for a good reliable source of wood roaches but feel that I'll probably have the same problem with them as the crickets, they grow too fast and then die too fast as well when only feeding them a couple once or twice a week.